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"For $1 Own The Blueprints To The Easiest Business Known To Man For 21 Days"

This is Michael Senoff.  If you don’t know me, I’ll let you in on a little secret …

… the “San Diego Man” in the headline above?

That’s actually ME.

Yep. While most people know me as the guy who interviews the world's top experts on business and marketing, there’s one thing many DON’T realize about me.

It’s this: even though I have been interviewing others about business and marketing, I also actually DO this stuff … (not just talk about it! :-)

(Just a handful of "photos" taken “in the field.”)

However, Despite My Online Notoriety, I Have a Confession to Make:

I’ve Been Holding Out On You

And, it’s taken me 26 months to come clean with what I’m about to share.

Here it is: 


I’ve been quietly engaging in what I think is the easiest business known to man.


Through years of trial and error, I've steadily perfected a lucrative business activity into something YOU can do starting today …

anywhere in the world.

You can do it over and over, as often as you want …

… it can start making you cash income within minutes not hours, not days, not weeks …

… there’s a never ending stream of revenue available 24/7/365 …

… and it’s the easiest and most enjoyable money I’ve ever come across.

Just as great as what my system IS, however is what it's NOT.

… There is no ongoing customer service.

… You don’t have to build a list.

… You don’t need a website.

… There are ZERO tech hassles.

… No cart or merchant account needed.

… No email marketing.

… No video sales letters.

… No webinars.

… You don’t need to generate traffic.

… No complicated sales funnels.

… No podcasting.

… No blogging.

… No copywriters needed.

… No creating products and services.

… No paid advertising.

… No software or computer skills needed.

… No graphic design.

… Nothing to do with MLM.

… Not affiliate marketing.

… It’s got nothing to do with Fiverr, Etsy, SEO, cryptocurrency, or stripping on webcam!

… And no working your butt off in front of your computer all day ... while your life passes you by!!

WHEW!  Does that sound like the perfect business, or what?

But wait, I’m not done ...

Because here’s something else it’s not …

It’s not dependent on any economic factors outside your control

This is the One Business Model That Always Works

Yep, It’s completely recession-proof (in fact, this cash making system actually gets better in tough economic times)

This is something so brain-dead simple and something so fundamentally aligned with every business principle everyone knows to be true, that it’s something that will never NOT work.

In fact, with all apologies to the 1980s-era “Creating Wealth” author Robert Allen, you could …


Drop Me Into City with Nothing but the Clothes on My Back and a Smartphone In My Hand, and I Could Instantly Generate Income on Demand!


Now let me be clear …

There will be elements of my system that may feel familiar to  you.

But not until recently did I truly see "The Big Picture"

… which led me to begin making tweaks to my system that turbo-charged what I was doing from a nice little side hustle into a full-blown business.

YEP ... You really CAN fire your boss by doing this.

I’m going to show you how, right here on this page ...

So pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage and let me show you what I feel is the easiest and FUN path to financial freedom.

Before I Show You My Step-by-Step System to Create a Never-Ending Stream of Cash Without ANY of the Frustrating Elements That Other Businesses Require, Let Me Tell You What Turned the Light Bulb On for Me …

Seven years ago, I came across a garage sale like nothing you have ever seen ...

You would have to be blinder than a bat to miss this thing!

If a garage sale could ever be described as “glamorous,” well, then this was it ...

It wasn’t just the colorful collection of items that caught your attention — everything from surfboards to artwork to fat-tired bikes with gleaming chrome wheels and handlebar streamers — it was HOW everything was arranged that made you want to pull over right there on the spot.

It was like seeing Disneyland parked in someone’s yellow brick driveway.

You HAD to pull over.

And so, I did. 

What happened next would change the course of my life (and maybe yours, too.)

First of all, this is not about what I purchased that day. 

Okay, for the record, I’ll tell you, lol — I became the proud owner of a nifty little sweeper known as the Clean-Boy 550. 

(My kids called it the Fat-boy 550 because I was fat back then.

You know how kids are :-)

Anyway, here’s a picture of it, in all its functional glory:

 But I digress.  Forget about the sweeper, this is not about that.


The REAL point of the story was about the mastermind behind this driveway wonderland ...  and the incredible new business model it would soon inspire.


His name is Mike.  And at first glance, he had a disheveled look that might make you wonder if he was two tacos shy of a combination plate.

I would discover that he was dyslexic and struggled with learning disabilities as a kid and even into his adulthood.

He’s certainly no tech whiz either.  In fact, he still uses an old flip phone to this day and is so computer illiterate that he can barely open an email.

But make no mistake ...

"Garage Sale Mike" is an absolute genius.

A serial entrepreneur since childhood, Mike had reinvented the very notion of the classic garage sale.

For example:

... He held them during the week, not just on the weekend

... He arranged to host them on multiple properties — sometimes on the same day ...  on the same block (who even does that?  And WHY?  I soon found out, more on that in a minute)

... He ingeniously sourced most of his stuff for free, and he didn’t lift a finger to get it to his driveway, either. 

... Mike was so resourceful, he even found hoarders to part with their belongings to put up for sale!

By Mike's own estimation, He's hosted more than 2,500 garage sales.  And he pulls in more than $107,000 in CASH per year doing this part time.

Because Mike was such a fascinating character, me and my sons kept going back to visit Mike and his garage sales.

But never once did I give his business model more than a passing thought.


Because garage sales suck!!

(Everyone knows this, right?!)


I mean, yes, we can all agree that garage sales are a great way to pull in some extra cash once in a great while, but honestly, who needs the headaches:

... Setting up tables...

... Making and hanging signs...

... Pricing your stuff ...

... the sitting around all day ...

... letting strangers into or around your home

... keeping eyes peeled for shoplifters ...

... haggling with people intent on grinding you down like sandpaper

I could go on.

Let’s not even talk about nosy neighbors and bad weather!

But then one day ...

... A chance encounter made me realize that you could combine the insane profitability of a garage sale WITHOUT having to do any of the “yucky, ball-and-chain” garage sale stuff

Here's what happened . . .

One day, I  was out with my son and I get a phone call from the wife.

She's upset and virtually in tears because the washer machine broke and she can't wash the kid's cloths.

For the third time! Uuuuug.

The washer WAS old but I insisted we get it fixed again rather than spending money on a NEW washer.

Anyway, after one persuasive word from the wife, I was in agreement for removing the old washer and buying a new one.

The old washer was too large to trash so I listed it online for free just to avoid paying dump fees.

I just wanted someone to come and take it away to get my wife off my back.

So, the guy sends me a text and he says that if I hold the washer, he'll pay me $40.

And, I scratched my head and thought about why he would want to pay me for my broken washer machine.

Twenty minutes later, he's parked in front of my house in a white Ford F-150.

He lowers the tailgate and grabs his dolly.

And in what seemed like seconds he's got my broken washer strapped down to the back of his truck and he hands me two crisp twenty dollar bills. 

We were both happy.

I’m the curious type, so as he's climbing in his truck, I asked him if he did this often.

“Yeah, I do this a little,” he said.  “It’s way easier and more lucrative than people think.”

“Oh yeah?” I said.  “Like how lucrative, if you don’t mind me asking.”

He replied, “Don’t mind at all. I make about $170,000 per year doing this.”

(Wait, WHAT?)

This is the guy

Never mind what he does with the washer machine or why he's willing to pay money for them. It’s not important.

And I say that because I have since discovered that you can repeat this process for so many different ordinary items that it doesn’t even matter.

This was a game-changing moment.

I decided right then to answer the following question:

How could I take the insane profitability of a garage sale and automate it ...

... and do it almost HANDS-FREE ...

... WITHOUT having to do any of the “yucky, ball-and-chain” garage sale stuff?


So, I combined some modern technology with some timeless, proven business principles to create a cash generating system that works no matter where you live … no experience needed … and in any economy whatsoever.

Same insanely high profit margins … WITHOUT the hassles of a garage sale or having a regular brick and mortar business.

Forget about loading and unloading truckloads ...

... why not just deal with the easy, truly profitable items ...

... and rather than being chained to your driveway all day, let people simply hand you cash in hand while small ads do all the work for you while you’re laying on your couch watching TV with your cell phone in hand.

Imagine Never Having to Worry About What to Sell Again, Ever ...

Imagine a Never-Ending Source of Highly Desirable Products to Sell with Insanely High Profit Margins ...

Let me put it this way:  Whatever business struggles you may have had in the past ...

...  or whatever cash flow problems you now have ...

...  I want you to NEVER worry about them EVER again.

That’s because there is an evergreen business model in your community just waiting for you to plug yourself into.

So Exactly How Can Such Simple Seemingly “Little" Deals Turn Into Enough Income to Fire Your Boss?

I have discovered an amazingly easy way to get your hands on an almost unlimited source of free or low-priced goods that are highly desirable to people everywhere.

Here’s the best part:  You don’t even have to leave your home to find them!

In fact, with just a few clicks of your mouse you could have access to any number of free items that you could turn around and sell for a 100% profit — immediately.

It’s why dollars just fall into my lap without me even trying.  The same could happen for you.

I'm truly convinced you can use this information to replace your current job.

Who This is FOR:

   An entrepreneur who wants to leverage the simplest business in existence.

   A student just making his or her way into the workforce.

   A small business owner looking for easy, profitable wins to add to their bottom line.

   A single mom or stay-at-home dad.

   Anyone who want to get out and meet new people.

   If you're looking for a way to make great money working part-time on your OWN schedule, with NO boss and complete time freedom.


Is This For You?:


Hmm, well, honestly, my system is so universally perfect that it’s hard to think this isn’t for you.

The reason you've not done anything like this before is because you've fallen prey to some common myths about this type of activity. 

And I’ll admit, there ARE some questions about what I do that don’t have obvious answers.

(But I have them for you, don’t worry.)

For instance …

… How do you know WHAT to buy?

… Or what kind of shape the item needs to be in in order to resell it?

… And what if you don’t have a truck, does that matter?  (Hint: It doesn’t, not with the nifty trick I use over and over).

… How do you price the item you’re selling?

… how to determine the most profitable ways to sell an item.

… and how to do your homework fast and accurately so you can find out how much something will sell for before you buy it.

However, there’s all sorts of other little-known tricks, too, that can prevent problems so you don’t shoot yourself in the foot before you even get going.

Discover how to avoid the hidden trap doors and simply do it the easy way.

Fortunately, I've made the process easy.

I’ve created twenty six different “methods” of proven money making techniques for you to choose from.

Check out a few of the methods I've mastered:

The Warsaw Radio Tower Method: How To Sell Large Items Without Taking Possession

(I think the title says it all, don’t you?)

Garage Sale Granny Technique.

There are 2 types of garage sales: (1) The kind where people want to get rid of stuff and (2) the kind where people are trying to make money. Guess which one you should stay away from?  I’ll show you how to tell the difference BEFORE you start driving all over town.

The Back To The Future Flip.

This is an incredible leveraging technique that is more lucrative and time-saving than you think.  However, you need to beware of exactly which types of situations are good for this and which are stinkers. I show you precisely which is which … and the end result is like walking through a time machine and emerging on the other side with new-found cash in hand.

The Chop Shop Flip

Similar to the “Back To The Future Flip,” this can be summed up in six words:  "When in doubt, part it out!”  Seriously, you will be shocked at how much more money you can make when you take certain appliances or machines and simply look up what the various parts are worth.  Obviously, it helps to know which types of items this works for.  I’ll show you when it’s better to sell something whole or by their parts.

The Boss's Son Technique

Did you know there’s an army of people in your community just waiting to give you items you can resell at huge margins … and you’ll be doing them a favor?  I’m talking about warehouse managers.  Finding just one could give you a steady stream of valuable products that could form an entire new business for yourself, easy.  In my course I’ll show you how I was able to sell unused stock of doors this way for big profits.

And we’re just getting started. 

There is also my … 

… The Acres of Diamonds Flip

… The Jennifer Aniston

… The Matt Malone Method

… The Bloodhound

… The Archie Bunker

… The Lonely Storm Chaser

… Nosy Newman

… Bankruptcy Bonanza

… Salvator Mundi Method

And that’s just a partial list. 

There's fifteen more:-)

Because my simple system has so many ins and outs that most people miss, I have decided to codify everything I know into one, easy-to-use system that you can use to start profiting “bigly” from Day One.

Introducing My …

Money Shot System

The Money Shot System is your complete system I have developed over the last several years by trial and error.

Here’s What You Will Find Inside My Money Shot System:

   The “Big Picture" summary of what this is REALLY all about that will get you started QUICKLY. In fact, earning your first one hundred dollars within your first 21 minutes is quite doable.

   The fascinating story of how this all came about (educational and inspirational, if I say so myself)

   How To Make up to $1000 your first week with the Money Shot System (I know that sounds crazy but I document it step-by-step in the manual)

   All the tools you’ll need to get started (they start with your smartphone and only get simpler from there.  Oh, and they’re all free.)

   My "Fast Start Money Method” that puts money in your pocket so quickly with such a simple strategy that you’ll slap your forehead wondering why you didn’t think of this yourself!

   The 15 biggest excuses that will keep you from making $100 in their first 5 minutes … And How To Solve Each One.   

   How To “own" a team of pick-up and delivery men to take delivery on any item you’d rather not bother handling personally. (For the record, you could deal in nothing but small, lightweight items and still succeed wildly with this system forever. However, I will occasionally run across something large that is so profitable, I enlist others to do the heavy lifting for me. I show you my easy, “hands-off” method for doing this.) 

   How to turn your Money Shot System from a side hustle into a full-fledged serious business.

   The 6 free phone apps that make it all happen for you.  (Success is always in your pocket on your smartphone. And look, if you don’t have a smartphone now, I show you the secret to getting one for pennies on the dollar :-)

   Dozens of carefully documented real deals I have executed “in the field” myself so that you can easily duplicate them yourself. I show you photos. I write out all the steps of each profitable transaction so that you don’t miss a thing. And I'll show the proof ( The Money Shot) of me getting the cash with my buyer when available.

   Pre-written, “done for you” templates for placing free ads and getting others to do some of the tasks you’d rather not do. I’ve done all the work for you — no creativity required.

   The 25 unique methods I use to source, flip and bank fast, serious cash on a regular basis.

   The single biggest mistake people make when they’re on the verge of closing a sale that can be easily solved in less than one minute.

   Strategies on how to scale this into a much bigger business than you thought possible.

   The one item that is so ridiculously easy to find and sell it should be illegal (but it’s not … and just about everyone has used this item at one time or another, and always will.)

   And much, much more

Now, this information alone is everything you'll need to put rolls of cash into your pockets, starting TODAY.

But wait, I’m not quite done …


BONUSES!  Yes, There Are Bonuses.

Because I'm on a mission to encourage you as much as possible to engage in my competition-proof system, I am including some eye-opening bonuses to make this an even sweeter deal for you.


Here's 7 Bonuses You'll Own When You Grab My Money Shot System


Access dozens of my previous Money Shot Newsletter Issues.

These newsletter are my first two year archives. You get 24 total and they are absolute GOLD. At one time, I was selling each issue for $97. With your trial order, you get all 24 issues packed with case studies, hard-won tips, ingenious strategies to increase your profits, and more for free.

Retail value:  $2328.00
Your price:    $FREE


Your Special Collection of "Money Muggets"  

In every transaction there is a lesson to be learned. Some of these lessons costs me money. Some cost lost time. And after doing 100s of Money Shot deals, I've made mistakes and have learned a lot along the way. I've compiled and documented what I've learned in the field. You'll own my hard-won knowledge, tricks, tips and timesaving methods I use every day.  Here are some quick examples: 

   When exactly do you collect your cash — before or after you've loaded an item into a truck? 

   What to you say to your buyers asks if you take Venmo or PayPal? 

   How this free shipping envelope can save you hundreds off postage fees when shipping items.

   And tons more . . .


Retail value:  $149.00
Your price:    $FREE


High Profit Making Case Studies

Since me, my two son's and my trusted 1977 El Camino, Eleanor have been constantly "out in the field”,I have been carefully documenting my exact process. You will see it all, from A-to-Z, and most importantly, when possible, I will show you “the money shot” (a photo of my buyer holding up the cash). What more proof will you need to know that you can do it too? I'll lead by example — you simply have to follow my instructions. Each case study shows you photos and a new way for you to start making fast and easy cash too.

Retail value:  $179.00
Your price:    $FREE


Money Shot Millionaire Maker Case Studies 

You may not know this about me, but I am also an inventor. I hold multiple U.S Patents and Trademarks for various products.

And there is nothing I love more than learning about the success stories from people who have made millions from their ideas. In this bonus, you own 35 fascinating case studies on invented products that will educate and inspire you.

Retail value:  $79.00
Your price:    $FREE


The Michael Senoff "How I Make Money Interview Collection”

(Includes PDF transcripts and mp3 downloads)

My online followers have long known that My Money Shot System is only ONE way I make money.

Which is why I get asked the following question allllll the time: 

"Michael, how else do you make your money?"

There’s a reason I get asked this a lot:

It’s because I don’t discuss this publicly very often!

I’ve only revealed my other money making methods and strategies in a handful of personal audio interviews with other folks in the marketing game.

So here’s what I did:  I've organized all of my top audio interviews where I was specifically grilled about exactly how I make money. 

These are the interviews where I explain all the things I do to make money both online and off.

I've conveniently placed them all on one simple page that comprises a massive, tell-all money-making treasure trove.

You're going to see how I've been able to consistently make a full-time living, support a two sons and a wife, all while working from or very close to home.

You will learn:

   How I've been able to control my destiny and do whatever the heck I want with my time.

   How I do it through the marketing of my little audio interviews.

   How I set up my joint venture deals.

   How I negotiate my licensing deals.

   Exactly how I leverage my time.

It's all here in 24 seperate audio interviews. You'll own 17 hours of interviews and have 600 plus pages of typed out transcripts for each interview to read.

These are the interviews where I am spilling my secrets of how I make money both online and off from the last 14 years.

Study and use my advice as your one way ticket to the land of personal and time freedom!

Retail value:  $597.00
Your price:    $FREE


The “Garage Sale Mike Lost Tapes”
3 hours MP3 audio + full transcripts

Remember my story above about “Garage Sale Mike”? Well, I found him so fascinating that I interviewed this genius for three full hours to get him to reveal all his secrets!  It’s all here, including his crazy life story (he spent every day for more than two years as a young child roaming alone in Chicago museum, for example).

Mike’s story goes waaaaay beyond garage sales.  He’s a walking encyclopedia of ideas when it comes to business and entrepreneurship.

Here’s a small sample of what you’ll hear in this riveting back-and-forth conversation:

   How to think bigger: the secrets of an 8-year-old boy who made more than his parents

   A simple (and wildly profitable) lesson to be learned about exclusivity that museums use all the time

   The untold story about the guy who “stole” the Mona Lisa and sold forgeries of the painting like they were the real deal

   The scary side of entrepreneurialism: the one day Mike got ripped off, and what he wishes he’d have done differently

   Word-for-word negotiating scripts to use that work every time

   Key strategies for blocking the competition in business, even when the big guys step in

   The "no-sweat, no-brainer" business secrets you can learn from Joan Rivers and Donald Trump

   And much, much more.

I’m telling you, I’ve done hundreds of interviews over the years.  But the "Garage Sale Mike interviews" are some of my all-time favorites!

Retail value:  $79.00
Your price:    $FREE


Direct Access to Me 

You also get private email access to me with your questions.  This means you can ask me any questions about my program, or anything else marketing-related that I’m qualified to answer.  I’ll respond to you personally, but please know that I am not at your beck and call 24/7 either.  I know you’ll be reasonable.

Retail value:  PRICELESS
Your price:    $FREE

Money Shot System

What Is the Ability to Work on Your Own Schedule Worth to You?

So of course you’re wondering how much all this is going to cost.

I was originally going to offer my Money Shot System for $97 per month.  And even at that price, it would be an absolute bargain considering what you’re getting is nothing less than an ongoing way to make a great living … in any economy … no matter where you live … for as long as you want.

So $97 per month is an absolutely fair price.

But then I had a better idea …

Why Not Offer You a FULL Trial Membership For Only $1 For 21 Days and $97 Billed Annually After Your 21 Day Trail

 Special $1 Trial Ends 11 PM PST


"You have a FULL 365 Days to use this incredible system for yourself and prove that it does EXACTLY what I say it does." 

Money Shot System $1 Special 21 Day Trail

$1 For 21 Days $97 billed annually After That If Happy

(Cancel anytime)

 Get 21 days access for $1  to www.MoneyShotNews.com Membership Site 21 Days, And $97 Billed Annually After That. You Get 24 months (MSN) Back Issues. After Your 21 Day Trail, Your $97 rate is locked in as long as you choose to continue with the membership

Order NOW!

Click the Yellow Subscribe Button Below

Read The Automatic Renewal Disclosure

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient. After your membership subscription is received, you'll be registered into the membership site and your username and password will be sent to the email you used at check out.


Here’s My No B.S. “UNBEATABLE” Guarantee: Try Money Shot System for a full 365 day, 100% Risk-Free

Your entire Money Shot System is guaranteed for 365 days starting after the 21 day trial. 

It’s simple. 

Put my methods to work for YOU.

They’re simple and they work extremely fast.

If after 365 days you don't make you're $97.00 back I'll refund 100% of your money.

All I ask that you do is to screenshot and show me two or three ads that you've placed either on Craigslist, nextdoor, OfferUp, eBay, or any of the reselling sites where you have made a genuine effort to resell something.

Show me that you tried and you get a complete refund of your $97 membership.

Don't forget I'm here to help you at anytime to make this work.

This is a conditional guarantee because I need to see that you've actually tried to do something.

Look at it this way . . .

With only $1 and 21 days to check everything out, it should be a no brainer for you.

And your entire year of access to all this material could pay for itself within the first five minutes of ordering.

And then after that, pure gravy … with a very high ceiling on what you can earn.

(Remember, your Money Shot System includes key strategies on how to scale this activity up to much higher income levels.)

You can make this as big or small a business as you want. It’s up to you.

Here’s What’s At Stake If You DON’T Take Action Today …

What I’m offering here is a unique, highly profitable business system that’s competition-proof and is something that can provide for your family in ANY economic situation. 

Even if you don’t implement it right away — which I think you should do, of course — it’s a great business strategy to keep in your arsenal whenever you DO need it. 

DEADLINE:  Because the bonuses on this page are so valuable, and because I want to reward fast action-takers, I am limiting these bonuses only to those who order before Friday.

 Special $1 Trial Ends 11 PM PST



Money Shot System $1 Special 21 Day Trail

$1 For 21 Days $97 billed annually After That If Happy

(Cancel anytime)

 Get 21 days access for $1  to www.MoneyShotNews.com Membership Site 21 Days, And $97 Billed Annually After That. You Get 24 months (MSN) Back Issues. After Your 21 Day Trail, Your $97 rate is locked in as long as you choose to continue with the membership

Order NOW!

Click the Yellow Subscribe Button Below

Read The Automatic Renewal Disclosure

Note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient. After your membership subscription is received, you'll be registered into the membership site and your username and password will be sent to the email you used at check out.


    The second you place your order, PayPal will re-direct you to a page with an image like the one in this image below with a yellow or blue button.

Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. And then, when you click on that button, it will take you to your download page. Just to make sure, I'll also send you the links to your PayPal e-mail address you used when you placed your order.

The Money Shot System is your complete method I've developed over the last several years by trial and error.

Here’s What You Will Find Inside My Money Shot System:

● The “Big Picture" summary of what this is REALLY all about that will get you started QUICKLY. In fact, earning your first one hundred dollars within your first 21 minutes is quite doable.

● The fascinating story of how this all came about (educational and inspirational, if I say so myself)

● How To Make up to $1000 your first week with the Money Shot System (I know that sounds crazy but I document it step-by-step in the manual)

● All the tools you’ll need to get started (they start with your smart phone and only get simpler from there. Oh, and they’re all free.)

● My "Fast Start Money Method” that puts money in your pocket so quickly with such a simple strategy that you’ll slap your forehead wondering why you didn’t think of this yourself!

● The 15 biggest excuses that will keep you from making $100 in their first 5 minutes … And How To Solve Each One.

● How To “own" a team of pick-up and delivery men to take delivery on any item you’d rather not bother handling personally. (For the record, you could deal in nothing but small, lightweight items and still succeed wildly with this system forever. However, I will occasionally run across something large that is so profitable, I enlist others to do the heavy lifting for me. I show you my easy, “hands-off” method for doing this.)

● How to turn your Money Shot System from a side hustle into a full-fledged serious business.

● The 6 free phone apps that make it all happen for you. (Success is always in your pocket on your smart phone. And look, if you don’t have a smart phone now, I show you the secret to getting one for pennies on the dollar :-)

● Dozens of carefully documented real deals I have executed “in the field” myself so that you can easily duplicate them yourself. I show you photos. I write out all the steps of each profitable transaction so that you don’t miss a thing. And I'll show the proof ( The Money Shot) of me getting the cash with my buyer when available.

● Pre-written, “done for you” templates for placing free ads and getting others to do some of the tasks you’d rather not do. I’ve done all the work for you — no creativity required.

● The 25 unique methods I use to source, flip and bank fast, serious cash on a regular basis.

● The single biggest mistake people make when they’re on the verge of closing a sale that can be easily solved in less than one minute.

● Strategies on how to scale this into a much bigger business than you thought possible.

● The one item that is so ridiculously easy to find and sell it should be illegal (but it’s not … and just about everyone has used this item at one time or another, and always will.)

Also, because you raised your hand to find out more about this system, I have thrown in SEVEN bonuses to get you going even faster and more effectively.

These bonuses are worth a total of $3,411.00.

But they are only available for a limited time.

If any of this sounds appealing to you, then please head over now and take a look:

Click here to see "The Money Shot System"

-Michael Senoff

P.S. If you order, you also get direct access to ME so that you can get all the help you need. I'm offering this only temporarily but I feel strongly about doing it because I LIVE for this stuff! This is FUN.

P.P.S. Let me leave you with this quote because it's something I try and live by and it speaks to what this business is all about:

"Never lose a holy curiosity. Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. He is considered successful in our day who gets more out of life than he puts in. But a man of value will give more than he receives."- Albert Einstein


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